Results Disclaimer

Every client is a unique individual and every cosmetic procedure has unique aspects. Therefore, no two treatments or procedures will get the exact same results — even if patients are similar and if the procedures performed by the same therapist.

Before undergoing any treatment, please  ensure that you fully understand that your results will likely vary from other clients results.

Every individual has different skin types, a completely unique physique, and the body’s healing capacities also vary from person to person including scarring tendencies and recovery time and process.

On consultation we will advise on the suitability of any treatment and recommend alternative treatments should we find that any desired treatment is not suitable for you.

Some treatments, particularly the more clinical ones will require specific aftercare to aid recovery. Necessary aftercare instruction will be fully explained along with recommendations of products to aid recovery. Following this advice will ensure the best possible results are achieved. We will not be liable for any client’s dissatisfaction with their treatment results when our recommendations and aftercare instruction is ignored or not carried out properly.